RAX No. 95 (Agaricus)
$140.00(0 Reviews)
Chorea means involuntary vibration or jerks in any part of body due to nervous problems, emotions, anger, inflammation of spinal cord, trembling of hands, fingers, head, neck, lids of eyes, legs or any where in body. Difficulty in holding things, trembling of body parts. Rax no. 95 is the best remedy for chorea.
Adults: 20 drops, Children: 10 drop after every four hours or as prescribed by the Physician.
Bottle of 20 ml drops
RAX No. 96 (Cocculus ind)
$140.00(0 Reviews)
Vertigo due to any reason like weakness, anaemia, from sitting to standing position, walking, bending, walking upward, lying, looking from high places to depth, disorder of blood supply to brain, during traveling, physical and mental weakness, blood pressure high or low and menstrual problems. Rax no. 96 is good remedy for vertigo.
Adults: 20 drops, Children: 10 drop after every four hours or as prescribed by the Physician.
Bottle of 20 ml drops
RAX No. 97 (Phosphorus)
$140.00(0 Reviews)
Epistaxis means nose bleeding. Face red and swollen. Nose can be bleed due to sneezing, coughing, bending of head, injury, sinusitis and high blood pressure. Rax no. 97 stops nose bleeding and also cure the reasons of epistaxis.
Adults: 20 drops, Children: 10 drop after every four hours or as prescribed by the Physician.
Bottle of 20 ml drops
RAX No. 98 (Sanguinaria)
$140.00(0 Reviews)
Pain in shoulder joints or muscles. Pain while movement of arm upward and backward, changing side during sleep. Pain due to injury, physical weakness, cold, over lifting and sprains. Rax no. 98 gies very beneficial results in all types of shoulder pain.
Adults: 20 drops, Children: 10 drop after every four hours or as prescribed by the Physician.
Bottle of 20 ml drops
RAX No. 99 (Lachesis)
$140.00(0 Reviews)
Carbuncle, either on back or behind neck, red boils with pain or pus. Bluish or purple colour with white, yellow, black, green or red in center. These grow very fast and sometime cause gangrene. This is mostly in diabetic patients. Rax no. 99 is good remedy for carbuncle.
Adults: 20 drops, Children: 10 drop after every four hours or as prescribed by the Physician.
Bottle of 20 ml drops
RHEUMATISM Ointment (Rhus tox)
$130.00(0 Reviews)
Joints pains with tendons problems. Pain in hands and feet joints. Small or big joints painful, chronic muscular inflammation. Pain in soles with swollen knees and ankles. Backache in old age, weakness of joints with pains. Rax Rheumatism ointment is useful in all kind of joint pain.
Apply Rhumatism ointment on affected areas and joints three times a day or as prescribed by the physician.
Packing of 20GM
SPERMATORAX - M Drops (Damiana)
$250.00(0 Reviews)
Semen dribiling, spermatorrhoea before or after stool and urination. Mental, physical, nervous and sexual weakness. Sticky mucus like discharge without urination or semen mixed urine. Rax Spermatorax-M drops stops spermatorrhoea and improves health.
Adults: 20 drop after every four hours or as prescribed by the Physician.
Bottle of 20 ml drops
SPERMATORAX - M Tablets (Damiana)
$135.00(0 Reviews)
This medicine is especially made for men who suffer from impotency and libido, erection weak, aversion to coition masturbation, homosexuality. Impotency and semen watery due to sexual abuse or by birth. Can?t perform intercourse due to sexual and nervous weakness. Spermatorax - M - tablets is the best medicine for impotency and increases the quantity of sperms.
One tablet three times a day or as prescribed by the Physician.
Bottle of 20Tablets
STERAX - F - Drops (Agnus cast)
$250.00(0 Reviews)
Sterility in females, disorder of utters or fallopian tubes. Amenorrhea, ovulation problems, Blockage of fallopian tubes or utters. Hormonal disturbance, prolapses of uterus, uterine tumers, leucorrhoea. Sterax - F- drops is a good remedy for female sterility.
Adults: 20 drop after every four hours or as prescribed by the Physician.
Bottle of 20 ml drops