Rax Store

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RAX No. 35 (Merc bi jod)

(0 Reviews)
TONSILITIS Indications: Acute or chronic inflammation of throat glands due to flu and coryza. PND, tonsillitis and adenoides. Difficulty in swallowing, cough, itch in throat and fever. Rax No. 35 cures well the tonslitisand there is no need of operation after using this medicine. Dosage: Adults: 20 drops, Children: 10 drop after every four hours or as prescribed by the Physician. Bottle of 20 ml drops

RAX No. 36 (Teucrium)

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SINUSITIS Indications: Hypertrophy of nasal bone due to inflammation of nasal glands and mucous membrane. Growth in nose and polypus. Sneezing, nose block, offensive discharge with green or yellow colour with blood. Lack of smell sensation. Rax No. 36 remove nose-polyp and cures sinusitis. Dosage: Adults: 20 drops, Children: 10 drop after every four hours or as prescribed by the Physician. Bottle of 20 ml drops

RAX No. 37 (Echinacea)

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VITAL FORCE Indications: Illness due to weak immunity. Flatulence, diarrhea or constipation due to mal functioning of digestive system, vomiting. Skin problems which come again and again. White spots on skin. Marasmus of children, weight loss, irritability, late learning and walking of children. Rax No. 37 increases vital energy and immunity. Dosage: Adults: 20 drops, Children: 10 drop after every four hours or as prescribed by the Physician. Bottle of 20 ml drops

RAX No. 38 (Ferrum met)

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ANEMIA Indications: Anemia due to nutritional deficiency, liver or glandular problems, excessive flow in menses, during delivery or any other blood loss. Rax No. 38 make good the deficiency of blood. Dosage: Adults: 20 drops, Children: 10 drop after every four hours or as prescribed by the Physician. Bottle of 20 ml drops

RAX No. 39 (Selenium)

(0 Reviews)
SPERMATORRHOEA Indications: Semen dribbling, spermatorrhoea before or after stool and urination. Mental, physical, nervous and sexual weakness. Sticky mucus like discharge without urination or semen mixed urine. Rax No. 39 stops spermatorrhoea and improves health. Dosage: Adults: 20 drops after every four hours or as prescribed by the Physician. Bottle of 20 ml drops

RAX No. 40 (Muira puama)

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IMPOTENCY Indications: This medicine is especially made for the men who suffers from impotency and libido, erection weak, aversion to coition masturbation, homosexuality. Impotency and semen watery due to sexual abuse or by birth. Can?t perform intercourse due to sexual and nervous weakness. Rax no. 40 is the best medicine for impotency. Dosage: Adults: 20 drops after every four hours or as prescribed by the Physician. Bottle of 20 ml drops

RAX No. 41 (Titanium)

(0 Reviews)
QUICK DISCHARGE Indications: Premature ejaculation, discharge even after touching or going near female. Weak sexual power, semen watery, spermatorrhoea. Glans so sensitive that it ejeculates even touching it, adulteration. spermatorrhoea due to seeing blue films, thoughts and reading literature about nudity. Rax no. 41 is very effective in premature ejaculation. Dosage: Adults: 20 drops after every four hours or as prescribed by the Physician. Bottle of 20 ml drops

RAX No. 42 (Bellis per)

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NIGHT EMISSION Indications: Night emission means ejaculation during sleep. Mental, physical and sexual weakness due to night falls and sensitiveness. Heart beat fast, respiration fast, backache, ever tired, sadness, irritability, indigestion and gas formation. Rax no. 42 has a good repute in night emissions. Dosage: Adults: 20 drops after every four hours or as prescribed by the Physician. Bottle of 20 ml drops

RAX No. 43 (Ustilago)

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MASTURBATION Indications: Untolerable bad habit of masturbation and its after effects, mental, physical, and sexual weakness. Premature ejaculation, spermatorrhoea, Try to avoid masturbation but can?t control him self from this bad habit. Rax No. 43 is useful in quitting the habit of masturbation. Dosage: Adults: 20 drops after every four hours or as prescribed by the Physician. Bottle of 20 ml drops

RAX No. 44 (Kali sulf)

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GONORRHOEA Indications: Gonorrhoea due to intercourse with the gonorrheal patient. By using clothes of affected person, intercourse during menses, lying on his bed or by urination at affected place. Burning, pain, swelling and pus formation in urethra, Rax no. 44 is very excellent remedy for gonorrhea and its after effects. Dosage: Adults: 20 drops after every four hours or as prescribed by the Physician. Bottle of 20 ml drops

RAX No. 45 (Symphytum)

(0 Reviews)
OSTEOPOROSIS Indications: Bones becomes weak due to calcium deficiency. Softness of bones, osteoporosis, osteophytes, bone pains. Delayed healing of fractures, fracture even due to least stroke or pressure, bones swelling, irregularity, any non canceric growth on bones. Rax no. 45 improves calcium deficiency and other bone affections. Dosage: Adults: 20 drops, Children: 10 drop after every four hours or as prescribed by the Physician. Bottle of 20 ml drops

RAX No. 46 (Causticum)

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PARALYSIS Indications: Local or general paralysis. Paralysis of left or right side of body, numbness of parts and paralysis of hands, feet, trachea, larynx, pharynx, eyelids or bladder. Nerves, strain, weak memory, difficulty in talking walking, writing and reading. Rax No.46 is the remedy for all types of paralysis. Dosage: Adults: 20 drops, Children: 10 drop after every four hours or as prescribed by the Physician. Bottle of 20 ml drops

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