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CALCULIRAX Drops (Berberis)



Kidney or bladder stones. Inflammation with stitching pain, unbearable pain which radiates towards abdomen and bladder. Nausea and vomiting. Urine reddish dark and scanty. Sand in urine with burning, pain in urethra and heaviness of bladder. Calculirax drops is very effective medicine to remove the stones of kidneys as well bladder.


Adults: 20 drops, Children: 10 drop after every four hours or as prescribed by the Physician.

Bottle of 20 ml drops




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WHITHRAX Drops (Wiesbaden)

(0 Reviews)
DROPS Indications: Hair become premature gray or white, thin and weak. Hair fall due to weakness of brain. Hair fall during bath and comb in gushes. Baldness in spots or of whole head. Due to excessive fatty secretion weakness of hair roots with inflammation of skull. Whithrax drops makes hair black, strong and healthy. Dosage: Adults: 20 drops, Children: 10 drops after every four hours or as prescribed by the Physician. Bottle of 20 ml drops

ENURAX Drops (Equisetum hyme)

(0 Reviews)
DROPS Indications: Enurax means involuntary urination during sleeping or awakening. It can be due to weakness of bladder, fear or coldness. Excessive urination, watery and sometime offensive. Enurax drops is a useful medicine in bed wetting. Dosage: Adults: 20 drops, Children: 10 drop after every four hours or as prescribed by the Physician. Bottle of 15 ml drops

OBERAX Drops (Fucus + Phytolaca)

(0 Reviews)
DROPS Indications: Obesity, weight gain, fat deposit due to Thyroid or gastric problems. Weight gain due to excessive in tacking of oily things, sweets and meet. Obesity due to hormonal or glandular disorders. Weight gain even after low diet. There are chances to be suffered from diabetes, arthritis and blood pressure due to obesity. Oberax drops is a perfect formula for obesity. Dosage: Adults: 20 drops, Children: 10 drop after every four hours or as prescribed by the Physician. Bottle of 20 ml drops

ALOPRAX Drops (Sphingurus)

(0 Reviews)
DROPS Indications: Alopecia or baldness, hair loss, beard hair loss either in ring or any other form, hair weak, hair roots weak. Aloprax drops help in growing strong hair alopecia and baldness disappears. Dosage: Adults: 20 drops, Children: 10 drop after every four hours or as prescribed by the Physician. Bottle of 20 ml drops

FAIRAX Drops (Berberis aquif)

(0 Reviews)
DROPS Indications: Acne, pimples on face of boys and girls. Itch, rashes, burning, skin dry and rough, strains, wrinkles, frackles, complexion black, circles around eyes, moles, and face pale. Fairax drops is a useful remedy for face freshness. Dosage: Adults: 20 drops, Children: 10 drop after every four hours or as prescribed by the Physician. Bottle of 20 ml drops

BABY COLIC Drops (Dioscorea)

(0 Reviews)
DROPS Indications: Abdominal pain and cramps, constant diarrhea or constipation. Flatulence, indigestion, rumbling, nausea and vomiting, colic during dentition, anxiety and sleeplessness. Rax Baby colic drops is the medicine which is used for relief from colic pain. Dosage: Adults: 10 drop after every four hours or as prescribed by the Physician. Bottle of 15 ml drops

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